APPLICATION FOR BRAZILIAN INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM “GLOBAL VISION OF THE JUDICIARY” PERSONAL INFORMATIONNAME:*E-MAIL:* ADDRESS:*NATIONALITY:*COUNTRY OF WORK AS A JUDGE/JUSTICE:*PHONE NUMBER (with Country code):*SEX:*FEMALEMALEPERSON WITH DISABILITY:*NOYESIn case of yes, mention the type of disability:*PASSPORT INFORMATIONPASSPORT NUMBER:*ISSUED BY (Country):*DATE OF ISSUE:*Format: dd/mm/yyyy. Example: 21/01/2020 VALID UNTIL:*Format: dd/mm/yyyy. Example: 21/01/2020 COURT INFORMATIONCOURT:*POSITION:*COURT’S ADDRESS:*COURT’S PHONE NUMBER:*COURT'S E-MAIL:* COURT REFERENCE WITH TELEPHONE AND E-MAIL:*JUDICIARY EXPERIENCE:*LANGUAGE COMPETENCELANGUAGE 1:*READ*BasicGoodFluentWRITE*BasicGoodFluentSPEAK*BasicGoodFluentLANGUAGE 2:LANGUAGE 2READ*BasicGoodFluentWRITE*BasicGoodFluentSPEAK*BasicGoodFluentFIM LANGUAGE 2LANGUAGE 3:LANGUAGE 3READ*BasicGoodFluentWRITE*BasicGoodFluentSPEAK*BasicGoodFluentFIM LANGUAGE 3LANGUAGE 4:LANGUAGE 4READ*BasicGoodFluentWRITE*BasicGoodFluentSPEAK*BasicGoodFluentAPPLICATIONBRAZILIAN COURT YOU ARE APPLYING FOR:*(Please submit separated forms if you’d like to apply for more than one Brazilian Court)SelecioneSTM - Superior Tribunal MilitarSTJ - Superior Tribunal de JustiçaTSE - Tribunal Superior EleitoralTST - Tribunal Superior do TrabalhoCNJ - Conselho Nacional de JustiçaCJF - Conselho da Justiça FederalCSJT - Conselho Superior da Justiça do TrabalhoTRF1 - Tribunal Regional Federal da 1a RegiãoTRF2 - Tribunal Regional Federal da 2a RegiãoTRF3 - Tribunal Regional Federal da 3a RegiãoTRF4 - Tribunal Regional Federal da 4a RegiãoTRF5 - Tribunal Regional Federal da 5a RegiãoTJAC - Tribunal de Justiça do AcreTJAL - Tribunal de Justiça de AlagoasTJAP - Tribunal de Justiça do AmapáTJAM - Tribunal de Justiça do AmazonasTJBA - Tribunal de Justiça da BahiaTJCE - Tribunal de Justiça do CearáTJDFT - Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal e TerritóriosTJES - Tribunal de Justiça do Espírito SantoTJGO - Tribunal de Justiça de GoiásTJMA - Tribunal de Justiça do MaranhãoTJMT - Tribunal de Justiça do Mato GrossoTJMS - Tribunal de Justiça do Mato Grosso do SulTJMG - Tribunal de Justiça de Minas GeraisTJPA - Tribunal de Justiça do ParáTJPB - Tribunal de Justiça da ParaíbaTJPR - Tribunal de Justiça do ParanáTJPE - Tribunal de Justiça de PernambucoTJPI - Tribunal de Justiça do PiauíTJRJ - Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de JaneiroTJRN - Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do NorteTJRS - Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do SulTJRO - Tribunal de Justiça de RondôniaTJRR - Tribunal de Justiça de RoraimaTJSC - Tribunal de Justiça de Santa CatarinaTJSP - Tribunal de Justiça de São PauloTJSE - Tribunal de Justiça de SergipeTJTO - Tribunal de Justiça de TocantinsTJMSP - Tribunal de Justiça Militar do Estado de São PauloTJMRS - Tribunal de Justiça Militar do Estado do Rio Grande do SulTJMMG - Tribunal de Justiça Militar do Estado de Minas GeraisTRT1 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 1ª Região - Rio de JaneiroTRT2 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 2ª Região - São PauloTRT3 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 3ª Região - Minas GeraisTRT4 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 4ª Região - Rio Grande do SulTRT5 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 5ª Região - BahiaTRT6 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 6ª Região - PernambucoTRT7 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 7ª Região - CearáTRT8 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 8ª Região - Pará e AmapáTRT9 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 9ª Região - ParanáTRT10 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 10ª Região - Distrito Federal e TocantinsTRT11 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 11ª Região - Amazonas e RoraimaTRT12 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 12ª Região - Santa CatarinaTRT13 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 13ª Região - ParaíbaTRT14 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 14ª Região - Acre e RondôniaTRT15 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 15ª Região - Sao Paulo/CampinasTRT16 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 16ª Região - MaranhãoTRT17 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 17ª Região - Espírito SantoTRT18 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 18ª Região - GoiásTRT19 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 19ª Região - AlagoasTRT20 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 20ª Região - SergipeTRT21 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 21ª Região - Rio Grande do NorteTRT22 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 22ª Região - PiauíTRT23 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 23ª Região - Mato GrossoTRT24 - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 24ª Região - Mato Grosso do SulTRE-AC - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - AcreTRE-AL - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - AlagoasTRE-AP - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - AmapáTRE-AM - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - AmazonasTRE-BA - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - BahiaTRE-CE - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - CearáTRE-DF - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - Distrito FederalTRE-ES - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - Espírito SantoTRE-GO - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - GoiásTRE-MA - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - MaranhãoTRE-MT - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - Mato GrossoTRE-MS - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - Mato Grosso do SulTRE-MG - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - Minas GeraisTRE-PR - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - ParanáTRE-PB - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - ParaíbaTRE-PA - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - ParáTRE-PE - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - PernambucoTRE-PI - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - PiauíTRE-RN - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - Rio Grande do NorteTRE-RS - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - Rio Grande do SulTRE-RJ - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - Rio de JaneiroTRE-RO - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - RondôniaTRE-RR - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - RoraimaTRE-SC - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - Santa CatarinaTRE-SE - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - SergipeTRE-SP - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - São PauloTRE-TO - Tribunal Regional Eleitoral - TocantinsPREFERRED AREAS OF WORK:*INTENDED START DATE:*Format: dd/mm/yyyy. Example: 21/01/2020 STAY PERIOD IN THE PROGRAM (a minimum of 2 months):*ATTACHMENTSI - Copy of the mandatory document for the entry in Brazil (passport)*Max. file size: 10MB.II - Curriculum Vitae, in Portuguese, with photo and description of the area(s) of interest at the host organ*Max. file size: 10MB.III - Document that proves activity as a magistrate for at least three years*Max. file size: 10MB.IV – Reference letter from the court of origin*Max. file size: 10MB.V - certificate or related document attesting the inexistence of criminal convictions as well as attesting the inexistence of punishment in the disciplinary sphere in the last 3 (three) years*Max. file size: 10MB. The payment proof of the mandatory health insurance for the entire program period can be presented after the applicant receives a confirmation of his(her) acceptance by the chosen court. DISCLAIMER I have read and agreed to the terms of the Brazilian National Council Resolution 411, of August 23rd, 2021. I also understand that failing to comply with the requirements established in Resolution 411/2021 will result in the application refusal or in the program immediate interruption. I hereby certify that all the information on and attached to this application is true, correct, complete and made in good faith. I understand that false or fraudulent information will be punishable in accordance to Brazilian law. I am aware that the activities developed under the program constitute voluntary service, under the terms of Law 9,608/1998, and do not create employment relationships, neither social security or similar labor obligations. It is necessary to accept all declarations to submit.CAPTCHA